
"Tomorrow becomes yesterday too quickly."

Archive for the day “February 16, 2013”

Surprisingly there were only a few people at the cinema yesterday. Had so much fun though HAHAHA
I wouldn’t say Safe Haven was extremely good or so appealing but it waa fairly good. Good plot and suspense development. Josh Duhamel took my breath away half of the time or so <3. New Year’s Eve is still the best out of all these festive movies, it got Duhamel and Ashton Kutcher in it :’).

Was watching 2 episodes of GaoRangers yesterday and I swear it is the gay-est thing ever XD! I loved it so much as a kid though, and had Mum to buy me those Gao toy robots haha 😀 So much influenced by my big brother but at least I DID play barbies.

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